Badlands Quilters Guild
Our Guild currently meets quarterly. We do group sew-ins and our main event is the Badlands Quilt Retreat in the fall. We are interested in all avenues of Quilting from traditional to modern, applique and piecing, machine quilting and hand quilting. Read more about our events below and join us for fellowship, learning and fun.
January Sleep-Over
We meet in Medora every 3rd weekend in January to sew and share ideas. The Guild rents the meeting room at the AmericInn and the members bring pot luck for the meals. A meeting is held Saturday at noon.
Summer Meeting
We hold a sew-in during the summer, usually in July. The last few years it has been in Mandan at Denise Freid's. Check the Facebook group for the plans for this event.
March Meeting
We have started having another sew-in in March at Medora. This is similiar to the January Sleep-over. Check our Facebook Group to sign up to come and for the latest updates on the meeting
BQG Retreat
This is our main event for the Guild. It is held in Medora the second weekend in October. We have classes with local and national teachers and a Guild meeting is held on Saturday Evening. Be sure to check out more information on the Retreat Page
Join Our Guild
Membership is $20 a year. Click on the link below to fill out the membership form and mail it with your check to the address provided..
If you wish to pay by credit card please click the membership button
Join us on Facebook
We have a private facebook page where we share photos of our projects and quilting info. If you are a member of our Guild be sure to join

Ugly Fabric Challenge 2023